You are here: Task Management > Intergrated Services

Integrated Services - ISM Module

The Integrated Services grid presents a view of both current Tasks and the Resources available to perform those tasks. Resources can be assigned Tasks by dragging and dropping the Task onto the Resource.

Task Management > Integrated Services

The link will open the Integrated Services window.

Resource Grid

ISM Task Features

Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
  Job card Print a job card for the selected Tasks.
Batch job card Print job cards in batch for the selected Tasks.
Assign CSF to task Assign a customer satisfaction form to the selected Tasks.
Task copy Create a new Task by copying the selected Task.
Pause task(s) Places the selected Tasks on pause. Users may need to provide a mitigating reason depending on set up.
Restart task(s) Restart the selected Tasks if they were paused.
Bulk task complete Mark the selected Tasks as Complete.
Bulk task sign-off Sign off the selected Tasks to History.
Cancel task(s) Cancel the selected Tasks. If User Preferences are set to Force Mitigating reasons, a User will have to provide a reason for cancelling the Task.
Return route task This will create a new Task for each of the selected tasks, with the to and from Locations switched.
Extra mitigating reasons This button is only available if it is enabled in User Preferences. It Allows a User to enter extra mitigating reasons for a Task.
Open resource on / off duty page Opens the Resource On / Off Duty Grid.
ISM user preferences Open ISM User Preferences.
Engineer Opens the Advanced Helpdesk on the Resource sub navigation.
Adjust Task Lock Adjust the Task Lock for selected Tasks.

Resource On / Off Duty